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Raise your voice and spirit with beautiful harmony singing!

Welcome to Uplift Choir

Enjoy music of your own making in an hour of harmony singing, taught on the spot to create a feeling of creative bliss that ripples through your day, your week, your life!


Come and learn harmony songs from many traditions, all taught by ear with no sheet music, homework or pressure! Harmony singing is so magical because it multiplies voices in a way unison singing just doesn't. The layers, textures and resonance all create an incredible sound to be immersed in, then and there. Let me teach you a song and feel the rewards almost instantly – simple layered songs mean we’re harmonising in minutes, and we sing in a circle so everyone can hear all the parts together, a treat usually reserved for an audience!

Repeated melodies build confidence fast and set the stage for exploring different parts, adding new lines, singing high, low, soft, quiet and letting your voice do whatever it wants to do.


Forget everything but the song in your mouth, the harmony in the room!


It’s even more than a fun pass-time: the presence and wholeness granted by singing in our care-free chorus kindles the internal flame that transmutes emotional wear and tear back into joy and new possibilities. It weaves all our beautiful and discordant parts back together, releasing energy and freeing expression.


Join a song circle in South Oxfordshire and feel so good you’ll leave smiling.

Book into any of my regular classes now from only £10.




"Rachel creates a safe space for us to explore our love of singing and harmony. It’s so much fun."
Song Circles

Choir Locations

Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

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